Valencia High Court Lifts Slot Machine Ban in Bars

Valencia High Court Lifts Slot Machine Ban in Bars

The High Court of Justice of the Community of Valencia (TSJCV) recently revoked the Regional Ministry of Health’s prohibition on the use of slot machines in bars. The original decision received criticism from the industry.

Initial orders against slots

The initial orders from the Regional Ministry of Health were targeted at games of chance but its scope was later expanded to include slot machines as well. The health experts said that table games increased the movement of clients in the establishments because of which it imposed a safety risk during the pandemic.

Valencia High Court Lifts Slot Machine Ban in Bars

The TSJCV revoked the initial order on December 22, which imposed prohibitions on the use of slot machines fearing that it would lead to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The initial orders were published on December 5 which included temporary bans on self-services areas of food and beverage establishments, buffets, and bars. The document was later amended to ban the use of slots as well.

Section 9.3 of the document barred betting and gambling machines as well as collective games like darts, billiards, table games, table football, and others in bars and restaurants in the region.

Industry representatives objected to the order

The Association of Entrepreneurs of Recreational Machines of the Community of Valencia (Andemar) appealed the document and said that the amendment was designed to correct a previous error. On December 9, Autonomous Secretary of Health Isaura Navarro stated that the resolution was limited to table games only. Navarro further said that the health and safety measures related to slot machines were still being regulated by the initial health protocol. This included players to use a mask and mandates the sanitization of an area after each use.

On December 17, the resolution was extended yet again and covered gambling machines as well. The businesses accused that the Ministry is killing the gaming sector since slot machines make up for a significant chunk of their profit. The High Court ruled that the objection was justified and the amendment brought about a completely new set of prohibitions. Since slot machines can only be used by one person at a time, their ban cannot be explained on health grounds.

About sherlock

Sherlock Gomes loves to write and express his views on anything related to Gaming, Gambling, & Casino. He has been covering Gaming for more than two years now.