Ford’s ‘fundamentally flawed’ igaming idea an insult to First Nations’

Ford’s ‘fundamentally flawed’ igaming idea an insult to First Nations’

According to the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation, the Ontario government has “completely failed” to communicate with Indigenous governments before launching its “seriously defective” igaming system. 

Defective iGaming Program

The MSIFN, said in a statement strongly criticizing the Ford government’s plans to implement an igaming program, warned that the move will “devastate” the region’s economy and set back decades of community development efforts.

Contrary to section 35 of Canada’s constitution, the Ford administration has neglected to communicate with Indigenous governments formally — a violation of the government’s duty to consult with and accommodate impacted Indigenous communities. According to the MSIFN’s research, the government’s decision will result in the loss of millions of dollars from municipalities and First Nations around Ontario and the province’s coffers. Additionally, it jeopardizes over 2,500 jobs across the area.

The Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation has lived on Lake Scugog’s banks for millennia, just north of Port Perry. MSIFN is primarily regarded as a successful First Nation administration model in Canada, mainly owing to the Great Blue Heron Casino. MSIFN has benefited their community – and Durham Region as a whole – by providing thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in charitable gifts to community organizations around the region, in part as a result of the GBH.

The First Nation noted that the Ontario government had no information on how it intends to resolve budget problems and industry-wide layoffs caused by its igaming plan. The Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation has lived on Lake Scugog’s banks for millennia, just north of Port Perry. MSIFN is primarily regarded as a successful First Nation administration model in Canada, mainly owing to the Great Blue Heron Casino.

Quotes from the Press Release

Today’s statement by the Ford government is a slap in the face of First Nations, reducing their promises of reconciliation to a farce,” said Kelly LaRocca, MSIFN’s chief. “The government absolutely and utterly failed to consult our First Nation, opening the door to a constitutional challenge to their igaming launch. We want to sue the province over its igaming scheme.”

“The Ford administration has carelessly dismissed our concerns and made no attempt to address the negative impact their plan will have on our First Nation, our culture, and our ability to deliver services to our community,” LaRocca continued.

“This is a genuine and serious threat. This is not acceptable. If the Ford administration is unwilling to address the harms created by its decision, we will be forced to hold them accountable in an election year.”


About Lou De Aguila

Lou Aguila is a news and feature writer for Golden Casino News. For over a decade, Lou has published news and featured articles for some of the most reputable sports betting and online casino sites in the world, including BetNow.UK, VegasOdds, and BWin. Apart from being a hardcore live casino punter, he also covers sports stories in North American leagues from time to time.