New Online Casino: EveryMatrix debuts Vinder Casino in Danish market Lou De Aguila 17. February 2022 | UPDATED ON: 17. February 2022 Post Views: 93 EveryMatrix, a B2B igaming technology provider, has introduced its new online casino, Vinder Casino, into the regulated online Danish market with the support of front-end specialists Mad Men. Vinder Casino in Denmark The launch, which is aimed at the regulated Danish market, was made possible by the Mad Men team’s operational and management efforts, which ensured that Vinder Casino benefited from all of the native platform’s functionalities and will continue to support the team’s journey on the Danish market through design and UX/UI. Vinder Casino will launch at the end of 2021 on EveryMatrix’s turnkey platform, which includes the igaming integration and productivity platform, CasinoEngine – a cross-bonusing system, payments management module, and a complete player account management platform. Vinder Casino’s launch is the result of a successful relationship, as EveryMatrix’s CCO and co-founder Stian Hornsletten noted. Key Notes Bo Flindt Jorgensen, Vinder Casino’s CEO, added, “We are delighted to be live with our partners and look forward to extending our market position in Denmark.” Each launch will present unexpected concerns and obstacles. Our partners’ collective work will determine our long-term success – they are delighted with their partners’ development and devotion. Still, they recognize that they must optimize in all areas to gain a strong market position through the new online casino. About Lou De Aguila Lou Aguila is a news and feature writer for Golden Casino News. For over a decade, Lou has published news and featured articles for some of the most reputable sports betting and online casino sites in the world, including BetNow.UK, VegasOdds, and BWin. Apart from being a hardcore live casino punter, he also covers sports stories in North American leagues from time to time. View all posts by Lou De Aguila →