ETF Series Solutions (ESS) Files with SEC for New Equity Trading Fund sherlock 31. August 2021 | UPDATED ON: 31. August 2021 Post Views: 90 ETF Series Solutions (ESS), a multiple series trust (MST) has filed with the Securities and Exchange Fund (SEC) as it plans for a new equity trading fund under the name iBet Sports Betting and Gaming ETF. This could make ETF Series Solutions (ESS) the second sports wagering exchange traded fund (ETF) in the market and will have a fair enough universe, provided it is approved by the Securities and Exchange Fund (SEC). ETF Series Solutions (ESS) Regulatory Filing The prospectus of ETF Series Solutions (ESS) that is dated August 27, 2021, mentions an expense and ticker ratio. This could mean that ETF Series Solutions (ESS) is very close to entering the market. ETF Series Solutions (ESS) will trade under the symbol “IBET” at NASDAQ. ETF Series Solutions (ESS) will encounter a 0.79% or $79 on every $1000 of investment annually. The regulatory document mentions that ETF Series Solutions (ESS) plans to own real estate that would be used for gaming activities, operate a mobile sports betting platform, operate online communities for gaming, operate an online multiple player video gaming platform, and also develop educational tools for online gaming. According to the regulatory document filed with the Securities and Exchange Fund (SEC), atleast 80% of the net assets, plus the amount of any borrowings for investment purposes will be invested in securities of organizations that operate in the gambling and casinos sub-industry or in organizations who the primary business is to own, develop or operate gaming (including esports and iGaming) or sports betting software, venues, media content or electronic platforms. ETF Industry Success Factors The ETF industry, just like the sports betting industry and the iGaming industry is extremely competitive and therefore, issuers on a regular basis will mimic ideas that have been successful in the market in the past. iBet Sports Betting & Gaming ET that will be operated by ETF Series Solutions (ESS) will be a direct competitor of Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF that was established in June 2020 and has assets under management to the extent of $40 million and trades under the symbol “BETZ”. Many land-based casinos experienced closures or hardships in the account of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF has thrived. Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF launched in 2020 after a number of sports betting companies and iGaming companies became public companies. Not many funds in recent times have had such great timing and this has led to the solidification of the thesis of online casino investments. Differences between ETF Series Solutions (ESS) and Competitors Even so, Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF and iBet Sports Betting & Gaming ETF have some remarkable differences. iBet Sports Betting & Gaming ET is an actively managed fund while Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF is an index fund that follows the Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming index. This means that and iBet Sports Betting & Gaming ETF could be pricier as active funds are usually pricer as compared to passive funds and therefore, the annual basis fee of and iBet Sports Betting & Gaming ETF will be four basis points higher than that of Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF. Another point of difference is that and iBet Sports Betting & Gaming ETF will have Inherent Wealth Fund as advisors and Penserra Capital Management as sub-advisors and will be managed by Jeffrey Kamys, a person with work experience in the sports betting industry, having started a firm in 1996 by the name of Dr. Fantasy Sports. About sherlock Sherlock Gomes loves to write and express his views on anything related to Gaming, Gambling, & Casino. He has been covering Gaming for more than two years now. View all posts by sherlock →