UK Gambling Commission Releases Statement On The Settlement sherlock 14. October 2021 | UPDATED ON: 14. October 2021 Post Views: 67 The UK Gambling Commission released a statement on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 mentioning therein the details of the causes of the actions taken against a land-based casino operator. The casino operator has already committed to paying £450,000 ($612,000) for violations of the rules and regulations that were committed by the operator. More on the casino that was penalized Victoria Gate Casino (VGC) is the casino upon which the Commission has imposed sanctions and penalties. The casino is located in Leeds and is a brick-and-mortar casino. It was found to be in breach of anti-money laundering obligations as well as social responsibility obligations by the Commission. Gaming Commission outlines the contraventions by the casino Helen Venn, Executive Director of the UK Gambling Commission stated as part of the press release that the violations by VGC were uncovered during an investigation. The said investigation was a part of the drive by the Commission to raise standards in the industry. She warned that all operators should be vigilant that the Commission will not waver and will take action against any operator that fails to conform to the rules and regulations in place. She stated that the intention was only to make gambling safer and to prevent such games from being used for criminal activity. VGC to be used as an example for other operators Helen Venn stated that VGC could be used as an example by other operators. Other gambling operators may learn from the manner in which VGC managed and identified high-risk customers with respect to gambling harm as well as money laundering. She stressed that the prime duty of any operator is consumer protection. Breach of Operating License by VGC A compliance assessment was conducted in 2019 by the Commission. The Commission has raised concerns with the operator as regards the handling of ten customers. A review was done of the operating license of the operator. Upon review, it was found that the operator has breached conditions pertaining to the operating license. Safer gambling procedures were not introduced neither were the anti-money laundering provisions complied. About sherlock Sherlock Gomes loves to write and express his views on anything related to Gaming, Gambling, & Casino. He has been covering Gaming for more than two years now. View all posts by sherlock →