Launch Date for Sports Betting In Florida Not Yet Decided sherlock 15. October 2021 | UPDATED ON: 15. October 2021 Post Views: 81 The date of launch for the start of sports betting in the state of Florida is yet undecided. Even as uncertainty remains, the NFL season is already underway and is currently in its sixth week. The advertisement by Florida’s Seminole Tribe states that sports betting will begin this fall season. However, there is uncertainty as regards the meaning of the term, this fall. There was speculation that the launch of sports betting would be on Friday, October 15, 2021. Regulations have been cited that show that prior to October 15, sports betting in the state could not start. The cause of delay could be the lawsuits filed regarding the gambling compact There are lawsuits that involve the Seminole Tribe as well as the state of Florida. The lawsuits concern the gambling compact that received approval last spring. The gambling compact is thirty years old. There is sufficient speculation to predict that quite possibly, sports betting in the state may not begin until November 2021, at the earliest. The NFL has traditionally witnessed the largest volume of sports betting. Online sports betting has begun in other jurisdictions in the country. Cincinnati is the latest state to launch sports betting. The launch date for online betting by the Seminole Tribe in the state of Florida is yet to be announced. A lot of conditions to be satisfied before the launch of sports betting in Florida A number of news sites that report on gambling, including the Sports Handle website have stated that the launch of sports betting in the state cannot take place until certain conditions are fulfilled. Some of these conditions include installation of proper and new equipment as well as hiring and training new employees. The law in the state of Florida states that the Seminole Tribe must have agreements as well as partnerships with three pari-mutuel sports betting facilities in the state. In case this condition is not fulfilled, the tribe must pay to the state a 2% higher revenue share. About sherlock Sherlock Gomes loves to write and express his views on anything related to Gaming, Gambling, & Casino. He has been covering Gaming for more than two years now. View all posts by sherlock →