Nevada Gaming Control Board Addresses Harassment at Workplace sherlock 7. November 2019 | UPDATED ON: 7. November 2019 Post Views: 270 The Nevada Gaming Control Board accepted new amendments to decide which activities will give rise to disciplinary actions. The board’s measures are being seen as a response to sexual misconduct and harassment issues in the industry. It happened in 2018 About 2 years ago, former casino bigwig Steve Wynn faced sexual misconduct allegations that rattled the industry. The Gaming Control Board took made the amendments to take a stricter look at discrimination, misconduct, and harassment at the workplace. The three-member board unanimously voted for the amendments which have been sent for consideration at the Gaming Commission. If the Commission approves the changes, all gambling establishments in Nevada employing more than 15 people will adopt written policies and measures to eliminate workplace harassment. The procedures must focus on “prohibiting workplace discrimination or harassment of a person based on the person’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, or national origin, including, without limitation, sexual harassment.” Working on long-overdue issues Sandra Douglass Morgan, the chairwoman of the Gaming Control Board, said on Wednesday that the amendment was long overdue. She added that the changes to the regulatory policy would help ensure that Nevada continues to be the gold standard for policy and regulation in the industry. The changes will affect over 500,000 employees of the industry who can now find protection from discrimination and harassment. She also said that the Board would work towards ensuring that Nevada paves the path for regulatory policy and holds licensees to high standards which could foster public trust. Talking to The Nevada Independent this week, she said licensees that comply with the federal and state laws might already be compliant with the amendments of the Board. She mentioned that it was high time that these rules were added to the regulations formally. Board members Philip Katsaros and Terry Johnson supported Morgan’s thoughts. Katsaros said that the amendment is an addendum to the norms followed by the gaming industry. The amendment will change to Regulation 5 of the Gaming Commission, addressing sexual harassment at the workplace. The Wall Street Journal released a story about Wynn’s sexual misconduct in February, and the board started considering the changes in May 2018. The uproar caused by the scandal made Wynn resign from his post of Chairman and CEO of his company. The amendment didn’t get necessary traction at first, but Morgan led the effort to tackle harassment and safeguard employees. About sherlock Sherlock Gomes loves to write and express his views on anything related to Gaming, Gambling, & Casino. He has been covering Gaming for more than two years now. View all posts by sherlock →