Gaming App Downloads in Top Five European Countries Jumped 30% and Hit 430 Million in Q1 2020 Jastra Ilic 27. May 2020 | UPDATED ON: 27. May 2020 Post Views: 504 The number of gaming app downloads surged in the last few months, with millions of people forced to stay at home amid coronavirus lockdown. According to data gathered by GoldenCasinoNews, the combined number of downloaded mobile games in the five leading European countries jumped 30% amid coronavirus outbreak, reaching 430 million by the end of the first quarter of 2020. The UK Leads in the Number of Downloaded Gaming Apps The number of gaming app downloads increased significantly during the coronavirus outbreak in all European countries. However, statistics show that the United Kingdom leads in the total number of downloads. In the 30 days before the 200th confirmed case of the coronavirus in the United Kingdom, the Britons downloaded 84 million mobile games in both Google Play and App Store, revealed Statista and Sensor Tower data. In the 30 days after, this number jumped 23% and rose to 103 million in total. France ranked as the second-leading European country in the number of gaming app downloads in the first quarter of the year. Before the coronavirus outbreak, the French downloaded around 78 million mobile games. The number of downloads rose by 19 million in the 30 days, reaching 97 million in total. Germany took third place on the list, with 89 million downloads by the end of the first quarter of 2020. In just 30 days after the 200th confirmed case of the coronavirus in the country, the number of downloaded gaming apps rose by 14 million. Statista data revealed that the United Kingdom, France, and Germany together reached 289 million mobile games downloads in the first quarter of the year. Spain Witnessed the Biggest Jump in the Number of Downloads While the United Kingdom saw the most downloads, statistics show Spain witnessed the most significant increase. Before the coronavirus pandemic, the Spanish mobile gamers downloaded 43 million gaming apps. By the end of the first quarter of the year, this figure jumped 55%, reaching 66 million in total. Italy also witnessed a remarkable increase in the number of downloaded gaming apps. In just 30 days amid coronavirus pandemic, the number of downloaded apps jumped 37%, rising from 55 million to 75 million downloads. About Jastra Ilic Jastra is an editor, writer, and PR specialist with years of experience in the news, research, and report writing. Over the years, she has covered different topics including gaming, the entertainment industry, and the tech market. View all posts by Jastra Ilic →